"Kindergarten" is an offbeat, darkly comedic puzzle game that stands out due to its unconventional setting and humor. Players navigate a typical day at kindergarten, but with a twist — all the children and teachers are eccentric, and the events that unfold are anything but ordinary. Your goal is to interact with your classmates and teachers, solving problems and completing objectives to progress.
What sets "Kindergarten" apart is its unique structure: it’s divided into different days, and players must solve puzzles by interacting with others, bribing, lying, or using stealth. Each day holds new challenges, with various ways to complete them depending on the choices you make. These interactions feel incredibly satisfying as players uncover hidden secrets or discover bizarre ways to deal with problems.
The humor is dark and irreverent, providing a playful atmosphere that doesn't take itself too seriously. It's a refreshing take on the typical "childhood" setting, where everything is exaggerated and ridiculous. While the premise revolves around a school, the lack of emphasis on creativity and wit make it an enjoyable and quirky experience.
The game’s art style is vibrant, drawing you into the colorful, cartoonish world of "Kindergarten." Each character, while exaggerated, has its own distinct personality, with comical expressions and reactions to your actions. The music is catchy, contributing to the lighthearted feel of the game, even as you stumble upon strange scenarios.
Despite its simplicity, "Kindergarten" offers plenty of replayability. With multiple solutions to each problem and new characters to interact with on every playthrough, it’s easy to get lost in its whimsical, wacky world. It’s perfect for players looking for a game that doesn't take itself too seriously and is full of surprises.